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Barreleye map based asset modeling

Map Based Asset Modeling

Replicate Water Assets Including All Constraints for Accurate Analysis

Leverage Barreleye’s map-based asset modeling interface to recreate water models for increased accuracy, heightened visual analysis and maximized optimization.

Come swim with us...

Barreleye features a map-based modeling interface, enabling users to visualize all water movement through the network. Each water source, sink, and storage can be modeled including all related constraints in each asset. Model all network types including unconventional, disposal, waterflood, and in-situ plays.


Whether you are pulling water from a reservoir, river, existing wells or from your recycled water facility, you can ensure each water source is modeled accurately and all water is tracked and accounted for. Whether you are disposing of water to your own SWD’s or 3rd party takeaway, ensure it’s modeled correctly now and in the future increasing efficiency and, saving you time and money.

Barreleye Planning & Tracking Diagram - Map Based Asset Modeling

Barreleye's Features at a Glance

When it comes to planning and tracking, Barreleye's cloud-based platform delivers an industry leading user experience and all the features required for full-cycle water management.

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